facial therapy

unless otherwise noted, all facial treatments include cleansing, steaming, exfoliation, extraction, massage of the face, neck, shoulders, hands and the scalp to promote circulation and smoothness of the skin.

**series of 10 treatments are discounted & highly recommended for any of the treatments listed below.
please consult with our skin therapists for more details.


rehoboth express facial

(for all skin types)

this facial is great for those on the go! it promotes the effect of energizing the skin without extraction process through cleansing, steaming, massage & an energizing mask.

30 min $85


purifying european facial

(for all skin types)

purifies the skin by utilizing highly concentrated formulations through cleansing, steaming, exfoliation, extraction, massage, followed by a purifying masque to restore suppleness and self-radiance.

60 min $120


deep pore enzymatic peel facial

(for all skin types)

this facial treatment utilizes enzymes to deeply cleanse the pores, followed by extractions, massage and a purifying masque.

65 min $145


calming sensitivity oatmeal facial

(for those with eczema, redness, rosacea & prone to sensitivity)

this treatment utilizes anti-bacterial formulas with oatmeal to boost immune functions of the skin to calm irritations and aids in relief of itching associated with eczema, rosacea and rashes.

70 min $150


detoxifying acneic skin facial

(for those with acne, break-out prone & couperose skin)

this treatment is a deep cleansing treatment which utilizes advanced anti-acneic complexes to target acne, breakouts and blemishes by balancing sebaceous activities. the treatment also aids in detoxification of toxins through lymphatic drainage massage, followed by a rubberized masque.

80 min $175


Restore Those-beautiful-eyes treatment

this supercharged treatment is designed to help repair the visible impact of aging in the most delicate areas around the eyes to aid in reducing puffiness, lines and dryness.

30 min $85

as an add-on 15 min $45


multi-vitamin power peel facial

(for those with dry, pre-mature aging, hyper pigmentation, & dullness)

this treatment is designed to remove dead skin cells on the epidermis to aid in speedy cell turnover rate and to restore health glow and even skin tone.

70 min $160


anti-oxidant collagen facial

(for those with dehydration, sensitivity & pre-mature aging)

this treatment is designed to aid in restoration of the depleted collagen and elastin fibers to replenish natural proteins that are needed to reduce skin inflammations.

75 min $160


28 lifting signal treatment

(for all skin types who needs lifting treatment)

this treatment is boosted with lifting and firming complexes to help increase the blood circulation, thus bringing more oxygen to the area to lift, tone and sculpt the muscle tissues in the face and neck.

80 min $185


28 brightening signal treatment

this treatment is designed to accelerate brightening and improvement of the skin tone and also to help minimize the appearance of the sun and age spots.

80 min $185


collagen 90-II treatment

this supercharged & super renewing anti-aging treatment combines a pure Native Collage Sheet with powerful anti-aging ingredients to provide intense hydration, firming of the skin and reduction of the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

85 min $185


deep cleansing back facial

this treatment is to cleanse, exfoliate & extraction of impurities on the out of the reach area, followed by a hydrating masque.

60 min $145

add deep pore enzymatic peel $35